by: Ozochima Victor Chima (B.Sc)
Ever since
the beginning of civilization, man has been trying to make use animals around
him for various purposes and to rear them for increasing their
(or apiculture, from Latin; apis "bee") is the art of caring for, and
manipulating colonies of honeybee in large quantity, over and above their own
requirement. A beekeeper (or apiarist) keeps bees in order to collect their honey
and other products that the hive produces (including beeswax, propolis, pollen,
royal jelly and bee venom).
The first
evidence of this association came to light from the rock paintings made by
primitive human. Thousands of years ago, Egyptian was well acquainted with bee
keeping before the Christian era. In Rig-Veda, there are many references to bee
and honey. Bee-keeping became a commercial proposition during the 19th century
as a result of scientific research. Apiculture is a flourishing industry in
many advanced countries like USA, Canada, Germany and Australia.
There are three main advantages of bee-keeping:
Provides honey - a valuable nutritional food
Provides bees wax - which has many uses in industry
(iii) Honey
bees are excellent pollinating agents, thus increasing agricultural yields. In
terms of actual value this advantage exceeds the other two.
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of bee hives include:
Royal Jelly and
Bee venom
Propolis: Propolis
is a resinous mixture that honey bees collect from tree buds, sap flows, or
other botanical sources. It is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in
the hive. Propolis is used for small gaps (approximately 6 millimeters (0.24
in) or less)/ while larger spaces are usually filled with beeswax. Its color
varies depending on its botanical source/ the most common being dark brown.
Propolis is sticky at and above room temperature, 20 °C (68 °F). At lower
temperatures, it becomes hard and very brittle.
Pollen: Pollen
is a fine to coarse powder containing the microgametophytes of seed plants,
which produce the male gametes (sperm cells). Pollen grains have a hard coat
that protects the sperm cells during the process of their movement from the
stamens to the pistil of flowering plants or from the male cone to the female
cone of coniferous plants. When pollen lands on a compatible pistil or female
cone (i.e., when pollination has occurred), it germinates and produces a pollen
tube that transfers the sperm to the ovule (containing the female gametophyte).
Individual pollen grains are small enough to require magnification.
Jelly: Royal jelly is a honey bee secretion that is used in the
nutrition of larvae, as well as adult queens. It is secreted from the glands in
the hypopharynx of worker bees, and fed to all larvae in the colony, regardless
of sex or caste. When worker bees decide to make a new queen, because the old
one is either weakening or dead, they choose several small larvae and feed them
with copious amounts of royal jelly in specially constructed queen cells.
This of feeding triggers the development of queen morphology, including the
fully-developed ovaries needed to lay eggs.
Bee venom: Apitoxin,
or honey bee venom, is a bitter colourless liquid; its active portion a mixture
of proteins, which causes local inflammation and acts as an anticoagulant. A
honeybee can inject Q.l. ing of venom via its stinger. It may have similarities
to sea nettle toxin.
Bee venom: Therapy
is used by some as a treatment for rheumatism and joint diseases due to its
anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also used to desensitize
people allergic to insect stings. Bee venom therapy can also be delivered in
the form of a balm although this may be less potent than using live bee stings.
Bee venom can be found in numerous beauty products. Tt is believed to increase
blood flow therefore plumping the applied area, producing collagen. This effect
aids in smoothing out lines and wrinkles.
There are
four common species of honey bee under a single genus Apis (bee):
1. Apis dorsata (The rock- bee): This is
the largest honeybee. Builds single large open comb on high branches of trees
and rocks. Produces large quantity of honey, but this bee is difficult to
domesticate. This bee is ferocious, stings severely causing fever and sometimes
even death.
2. Apis indica (The Indian bee): Medium
- sized Hive consists of several parallel combs in dark places such as cavities
of tree trunks, mud walls, earthen posts, etc. This bee is not so ferocious and
can be domesticated
3. Apis florea (The little bee): Small
- sized Builds single small combs in bushes, hedges, etc. Honey yield is poor.
4. Apis mellifera (The European bee): They
are like the Indian bee (Apis indica). This has been introduced in many
parts of the world including India. It is easily domesticated.
a. Kenyan top bar hives
b. Fixed comb
c. Movable frame
d. Natural bee hives
Kenyian top bar hives: Top
bar hives were originally used as traditional beekeeping a method in both
Greece and Vietnam. These have no frames and the honey-filled comb is not
returned to the hive after extraction, as it is in the Langstroth hive. Because
of this, the production of honey is likely to be somewhat less than that of a
Langstroth hive. Top bar hives are mostly kept by people who are more
interested in having bees in their garden than in honey production per se.
Fixed comb hives: A
fixed comb hive is a hive in which the combs cannot be removed or manipulated
for management or harvesting without permanently damaging the comb. Almost any
hollow structure can be used for this purpose, such as a log gum, skep or a
clay pot. Fixed comb hives are no longer in common use in industrialised
countries, and are illegal in some places that require inspection for problems
such as varroa and American foulbrood and yet to be introduced to Nigeria.
Movable frame hives (e.g Langstroth hive): In Nigeria, the Langstroth hive is commonly used. The
Langstroth was the first successful top-opened hive with movable frames, and
other designs of hive have been based on it. The Langstroth hive was, however,
a descendant of Jan Dzierzon's Polish hive designs. In the United Kingdom, the
most common type of hive is the British National Hive: And it has the Brooder,
Scavenger or Forager and the Supra. Natural hives: The natural beekeeping
movement believes that modern beekeeping and agricultural practices, such as
crop spraying, hive movement, frequent hive inspections, artificial
insemination of queens, routine medication, and sugar water feeding, weaken bee
hives. Natural beekeeping' tend to use variations of the top-bar hive, which is
a simple design that retains the concept of movable comb without the use of
frames or foundation.
The bee colony – various castes and their activities
A honey bee colony has three castes they include:
(i) Queen – only one;
functional female
(ii) Workers – 20,000-30,000, sterile
(iii) Drones – a few only, functional males
available prior to swarming
Queen bee is the only perfectly developed female, that is has well
developed ovaries and other organs of female reproductive system; its wings are
smaller and are shriveled, Mouth parts for sucking food is shorter than that of
workers, it lay eggs at the rate of 800 - 1500 per day, they can survive for
about 3 - 4 years and have no wax gland. In mating the queen emerges from her
cell after 15 days of development and she remains in the hive for 3—7 days
before venturing out on a mating flight. Mating flight is otherwise known as
'nuptial flight'. Her first orientation flight may only last a few seconds,
just enough to mark the position of the hive. Subsequent mating flights may last
from 5 minutes to 30 minutes, and she may mate with a number of male drones on
each flight. Over several mating, possibly a dozen or more, the queen receives
and stores enough sperm from a succession of drones to fertilize hundreds of
thousands of eggs.
Female worker bees:
Almost all the bees in a hive are female worker bees. Female
worker bees are imperfectly developed females they are smaller than the queen
with strong wings to fly and have a large and efficient proboscis (mouth parts
packed together like a thin tube) for sucking nectar. At the height of summer
when activity in the hive is frantic and work goes on non-stop, the life of a
worker bee may be as short as 6 weeks; in late autumn, when no brood is being
raised and no nectar is being harvested, a young bee may live for 16 weeks,
right through the winter. During its life a worker bee performs different work
functions in the hive, largely dictated by the age of the bee.
Male bees (drones):
Drones are the male bees produced from unfertilised eggs and they
are the largest bees in the hive (except for the queen), at almost twice the
size of a worker bee. They do not work, do not forage for pollen or nectar and
have no other known function than to mate. At the age of 14-18 days the drones
perform mating flight chasing the virgin queen in the air. Drones can live up
to about 60 days, although they are stung and killed after the mating. A bee
colony generally starts to raise drones a few weeks before building queen cells
so they can supersede a failing queen or prepare for swarming. When
queen-raising for the season is over, bees in colder climates drive drones out
of the hive to die/biting and tearing their legs and wings.
Colony reproduction (swarming and supersedure): All colonies are totally dependent on their queen, who is
the only egg-layer. However, even the best queens live only a few years and one
or two roars longevity is the norm. She can choose whether or not to fertilize
an egg as she lays it; if she does so, it develops into a female worker bee; if
she lays an unfertilized egg it becomes a male drone. She decides which type of
egg to lay depending on the size of the open brood cell she encounters on the
comb. In a small worker cell, she lays a fertilized egg; if she finds a larger
drone cell, she lays an unfertilized drone egg. The queen produces a variety of
pheromones, which control the behavior of the bees in the hive. These are
commonly called queen substance, but there are various pheromones with
different functions. As the queen-ages, she begins to run out of stored sperm,
and her pheromones begin to fail. Inevitably, the queen begins to falter, and
the bees decide to replace her by creating a new queen from one of her worker
eggs. They may do this because she has been damaged (lost a leg or an antenna),
because she has run out of sperm and cannot lay fertilized eggs (has become a
'drone laying queen), or because her pheromones have dwindled to where they
cannot control all the bees in the hive.
At this juncture, the bees produce one or more queen cells
by modifying existing worker cells that contain a normal female egg.
However, the bees pursue two distinct behaviors:
i. Supersedure:
Queen replacement within one hive without swarming Swarm cell production
ii. The division of the hive into
two colonies by swarming.
Factors that trigger swarming: It is generally accepted that a
colony of bees does not swarm until they have completed all of their brood
combs, i.e., filled all available space with eggs, larvae, and brood. This
generally occurs in late spring at a time when the other areas of the hive are
rapidly filling with honey stores. One key trigger of the swarming instinct is
when the queen has no more room to lay eggs and the hive population is becoming
very congested. Under these conditions, a prime swarm may issue with the queen,
resulting in a halving of the population within the hive, leaving the old
colony with a large number of hatching bees. The queen who leaves finds herself
in a new hive with no eggs and no larvae but lots of energetic young bees who
create a new set of brood combs from scratch in a: very short time.
a. Artificial swarming: When a
colony accidentally loses its queen, it is said to be "queenless".
The workers realize that the queen is absent after as little as an hour, as her
pheromones fade in the hive. The colony cannot survive without a fertile queen
laying eggs to renew the population, so the workers select cells containing
eggs aged less than three days and enlarge these cells dramatically to form
"emergency queen cells". These appear similar to large peanut-like
structures about an inch long that hang from the center or side of the brood
combs. The developing larva in a queen cell is fed differently from an ordinary
worker-bee; in addition to the normal honey and pollen, she receives a great
deal of royal jelly, a special food secreted by young 'nurse bees' from the
hypopharyngeal gland. This special food dramatically alters the growth and
development of the larva so that, after metamorphosis and pupation, it emerges
from the cell as a queen bee. The queen is the only bee in a colony which has
fully developed ovaries, and she secretes a pheromone which suppresses the
normal development of ovaries in all her workers.
b. Diseases: The common agents of
disease that affect adult honey bees include fungi, bacteria, protozoa,
viruses, parasites, and poisons. The gross symptoms displayed by affected adult
bees are very similar, whatever the cause, making it difficult for the apiarist
to ascertain the causes of problems without microscopic identification
of microorganisms or chemical analysis of poisons.
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